Random Verses

Random Verses

Random Verse

It will be shown a random Holy Bible verse

that will inspire you.

Θα εμφανιστεί ένας τυχαίος στίχος 

της Αγίας Γραφής που θα σας εμπνεύσει.

Se mostrará un versículo aleatorio 

de la Santa Biblia que lo inspirará

Es wird ein zufälliger Bibelvers gezeigt, 

der Sie inspirieren wird

Un verset biblique aléatoire vous sera 

présenté qui vous inspirera.

На экране появится случайный 

стих из Библии который вдохновит вас.

Verrà mostrato un versetto biblico casuale

che vi ispirerà.

Open your heart to a divine message. 

Let the words of wisdom and inspiration from the Holy Bible ignite your soul.

Let us guide you towards inner peace and spiritual enlightenment with a thoughtful Bible verse. Tap into the power of faith, hope, and love.

Embrace this moment of reflection and share the blessings with others. Spread the light by sharing this verse with someone who needs it today.